My Food and Beverage Diary Week 51 of 2023 Monday BreakfastOatmeal With Grated White Chocolate SnackChamomile Tea LunchMushroom Stew SnackChocolate DinnerApple Pie SnackPopcorn Tuesday BreakfastCorn Flakes With Cocoa SnackLatte LunchRed Sauce Pasta SnackHomemade Mineral Water DinnerFlaxseed Protein Shake SnackFruit Salad Wednesday BreakfastChamomile Tea & Toast SnackAn Apple LunchRed Sauce Pasta SnackLatte DinnerApple Pie SnackLemonade Thursday BreakfastPoha With Cocoa & Grated Apple SnackHomemade Apple Juice LunchRice and Vegetables SnackChocolate DinnerFlaxseed Protein Shake SnackPopcorn Friday BreakfastPudding SnackLemonade LunchYellow Pods salad, Braised potatoes & Soup SnackA Fig With Caramelized Sugar DinnerBanana SnackFlaxseed Protein Shake Saturday BreakfastChamomile Tea & Toast SnackCottage Cheese Pie LunchKale Stew & Fritters SnackChocolate Cappuccino DinnerSweet Fritters SnackBanana Milkshake Sunday BreakfastOatmeal & Grated Apple SnackLatte LunchHomemade Pureed Carrot Soup & Steam Broccoli with Gnocchi SnackLemonade DinnerCottage Cheese Pie SnackFlaxseed Protein Shake Notes:โฑ - in progress / to be continued