My Food and Beverage Diary Week 40 of 2023 Monday BreakfastSweet Grits With Jam SnackHomemade Apple Juice LunchRed Sauce Pasta SnackLemonade DinnerPopcorn SnackFlaxseed Protein Shake Tuesday BreakfastApple Pie SnackChamomile Tea LunchMashed Potatoes, Carrot, Red Sauce & Fritters SnackLatte DinnerSweet Fritters SnackLemonade Wednesday BreakfastSalt Bagel & Coffee SnackCocoa & Coffee LunchYellow Pods Salad, Braised Potatoes & Soup SnackChocolate Cappuccino DinnerFlaxseed Protein Shake SnackA Glass of Almonds Drink Thursday BreakfastOatmeal With Grated Apple SnackCocoa Drink LunchKale Stew SnackChocolate DinnerCottage Cheese Pie SnackFlaxseed Protein Shake Friday BreakfastOatmeal with Proteins SnackLatte LunchSauerkraut and Bean Stew SnackLemonade DinnerPopcorn SnackCottage Cheese Pie Saturday BreakfastSweet Grits With Jam SnackSalt Bagel LunchRice With Green Peas, Soy Medallions, Sour Cream SnackChocolate Cappuccino DinnerFlaxseed Protein Shake SnackCrisps Sunday BreakfastApple Pie SnackHomemade Apple Juice LunchLeek Stew SnackLemonade DinnerSalt Bagel SnackFlaxseed Protein Shake Notes:โฑ - in progress / to be continued