My Food and Beverage Diary Week 37 of 2023 Monday BreakfastSweet Grits With Cocoa SnackBanana Milkshake LunchLentil Stew SnackLemonade DinnerSweet Fritters SnackPopcorn Tuesday BreakfastChamomile Tea & Toast SnackCoffee LunchMangel Stew With a Bit of Potato SnackChocolate Cappuccino DinnerFlaxseed Protein Shake SnackLemonade Wednesday BreakfastSweet Fritters With Jam SnackPopcorn LunchMixed Vegetables & Pasta SnackLatte DinnerApple Strudel SnackFlaxseed Protein Shake Thursday BreakfastCottage Cheese Pie SnackCocoa Drink LunchRice, Zucchini and Stewed Carrots SnackApple Pie DinnerApple / Cottage Cheese Strudel / Pie SnackPopcorn Friday BreakfastPudding SnackLemonade LunchRice With Green Peas, Sour Cream SnackChocolate Cappuccino DinnerFlaxseed Protein Shake SnackA Glass of Almonds Drink Saturday BreakfastBread and Jam SnackCoffee LunchMangel Stew SnackLemonade DinnerSemolina and Proteins SnackFlaxseed Protein Shake Sunday BreakfastOatmeal With Fruits SnackCocoa Drink LunchBreaded Cheese Sandwich SnackCappuccino DinnerBread & Jam SnackChocolate Cappuccino Notes:โฑ - in progress / to be continued